25 July 2014

20140725 Trip to find my love Day 2 - Finally

Decided to check out Melody & Kuromi Pop up cafe again this morning.
So checked out of hotel around 11am and reached the cafe around 11plus.
Guessed what..
The cafe is already FULL!!!
They opened at 10.30am for lunch. 2.30pm to 5.30pm is for high tea. Later part will be dinner.
I took a queue number from the staff, it was 42, this is for high tea. I asked the person what time i should come back, he told me around 3-4pm.
Hence i made adjustments to my plan. Made my way to the Studio Ghibli Layout Designs Exhibition at HK Heritage Museum.
Checked that the museum is not in the town area, so made my way slowly there.
Though been to HK a few times, but it was my first time taking their MTR but is those old-time trains, rather than the modern trains.
It was a good sight for me.

The exhibition was superb good, but i guessed the stupid me probably had missed out one exhibition hall that i should have gone to...  Ku Ku me..
Using my not very fluent cantonese i managed to get here and there and even helped 2 koreans translated to 2 HKers who do not understood English. BEST rite..

Looking at the watch, i slowly made my way to hotel. Before that i decided to give Melody & Kuromi Pop up cafe a last chance. I popped by Langham Place again. I was shocked when i saw the number on the board is now 78, while mine is 42.
I asked the person how.. cause the r&r written was that if exceed more than 5 numbers then will have to retake a number.
The person saw mine and replied he will check immediately.
Lucky me.. There was a table by the side and i am only 1 person. So Hahaha.. I am IN!!!
Quickly ordered their high tea set and went back to my selfie time.
The meal din really cost alot though..
After i satisfy my itch of eating here, i quickly made my way back to hotel.
Got to cater time to go to the ferry terminal and also purchasing of ferry tickets.
Took the ferry at 5pm, reached SZ in 1 hours time. BUT D din tell me what time is his ferry.
So per the msg i received from him before i board ferry, i waited at SZ ferry terminal for almost 2hrs plus. He appeared and we went to drop off our luggage at his apartment.

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