29 July 2014

20140729 Trip to find my love Day 6

Last day in SZ.
And most likely will not be coming back here.. Lol..
So took quite a number of photos that meant something to D's stay in SZ.

28 July 2014

20140728 Trip to find my love Day 5

Today is ME time again..
Went out walking around myself..
Hmm, this time round went to places that i been to the last time, cause i thot probably there i will manage to get more stuffs. Lol..
Dinner was to spend time with hubby..
Last night before i head back to SG.
We had some couple talk and sort arguments before we head out.. But i felt was good talk.
Tonite, D brought me to take their speedy tranport, which is motorbike, cause it was nearby.
The porridge is like steamboat style though.
Very nice.
D wants to bring the concept to SG. hahaha

27 July 2014

20140727 Trip to find my love Day 4

Finally one day to spend with him.
Initial plan was to go to the theme park, but from the apartment, travelling there will take at least one and half hour. And leaving there will be another problem with no cabs there and no public transport available....

So we decided to stay around here and shop...
Went to some malls that i have not been before.
BUUUUUTTTT, it was a heavy downpour when we reached the mall.
It was fun to spend such time with D.
Finding a place to eat was also a problem. Lol...

At the same time, due to the earlier bet with his cousins on the 2014 Worldcup Winner, D lost.
Hence he needs to fulfil his penalty.
So we did abit of shopping to look for the suitable dresscode.
Glad that he managed to find his stuffs. Lol...

Today dinner was 椰子鸡, recommended and accompanied by his agent there.
Then was chilling out at Paulaner.
Simply love that fruity beer that Singapore outlet do not have it..

26 July 2014

20140726 Trip to find my love Day 3

Today is a Sat. Had a lunch appt with my JI friend, whom i had not seen for more than 10years.
OMG.. It is really super long..
We took a new mode of transport which is by BUS.
It is so much similar to like SG going JB.
The bus takes 1 hr from HK custom to HK central, which is kinda of convenient and cheap.
Moreover, the dropoff point is at HarbourCity. Just happened to be the place i am meeting her.

We met and ate dim sum somewhere nearby. After which we took a walk by the harbour.
There was quite a crowd at the harbour - 星光大道, due to the China tourists.
After which, we went back into Harbour City and shopped.
To my huge surprise, i did not know the mall is this big and had so many other stuffs to see.
Which i missed out on Thu when i was there to see the Snoopy exhibition. Lol....

Then we took the same coach back to the customs, but it was a huge human jam at the HK customs, as there were many people from HK going back to SZ at around that time. (Ard 8pm plus)
They are all in bags and loads of groceries, toiletries, cosmetics, etc...
Really cannot understand why they can buy even toilet paper from HK...

Dinner - Thai food

25 July 2014

20140725 Trip to find my love Day 2 - Finally

Decided to check out Melody & Kuromi Pop up cafe again this morning.
So checked out of hotel around 11am and reached the cafe around 11plus.
Guessed what..
The cafe is already FULL!!!
They opened at 10.30am for lunch. 2.30pm to 5.30pm is for high tea. Later part will be dinner.
I took a queue number from the staff, it was 42, this is for high tea. I asked the person what time i should come back, he told me around 3-4pm.
Hence i made adjustments to my plan. Made my way to the Studio Ghibli Layout Designs Exhibition at HK Heritage Museum.
Checked that the museum is not in the town area, so made my way slowly there.
Though been to HK a few times, but it was my first time taking their MTR but is those old-time trains, rather than the modern trains.
It was a good sight for me.

The exhibition was superb good, but i guessed the stupid me probably had missed out one exhibition hall that i should have gone to...  Ku Ku me..
Using my not very fluent cantonese i managed to get here and there and even helped 2 koreans translated to 2 HKers who do not understood English. BEST rite..

Looking at the watch, i slowly made my way to hotel. Before that i decided to give Melody & Kuromi Pop up cafe a last chance. I popped by Langham Place again. I was shocked when i saw the number on the board is now 78, while mine is 42.
I asked the person how.. cause the r&r written was that if exceed more than 5 numbers then will have to retake a number.
The person saw mine and replied he will check immediately.
Lucky me.. There was a table by the side and i am only 1 person. So Hahaha.. I am IN!!!
Quickly ordered their high tea set and went back to my selfie time.
The meal din really cost alot though..
After i satisfy my itch of eating here, i quickly made my way back to hotel.
Got to cater time to go to the ferry terminal and also purchasing of ferry tickets.
Took the ferry at 5pm, reached SZ in 1 hours time. BUT D din tell me what time is his ferry.
So per the msg i received from him before i board ferry, i waited at SZ ferry terminal for almost 2hrs plus. He appeared and we went to drop off our luggage at his apartment.

24 July 2014

20140724 Trip to find my love

Flight to HK was in the morning via Jetstar.

This time round, I decided to go with handcarry baggage, but to think when I checked in at the counter, the lady told me my baggage is slightly too big for cabin size baggage, but I can try my luck at the Gate.

p.s. I somewhat agreed cause my luggage is relatively fat compared to others.

Should I decided to buy checked in baggage at the counter, it will be a charge of SGD60.

So I was kinda of worried, but when I was at the Gate, the lady told me that I need to check in my baggage, due to the flight is a full flight, and it is FOC.

I was relieved and checked in my baggage.

Upon reaching HK, I had to make my way to the hotel myself. Took the airport express train, and transfer to shuttle bus to town/hotel.

However, the hotel I am staying in is only within walking premises of the dropoff point, not exactly at the point.

Hence when I got off, I had to check with the lobby staff, how to walk to my hotel – Casa Hotel.

After brief directions given, I made my way (looking confident), to my hotel.

I was lucky, anyhow walk, also managed to get the directions right. But I guess it could be because I had roughly looked at the map to locate the dropoff point and my hotel.

Checked in and immediately I rushed to Langham Place on foot.

Hotel is at Tsim Sha Tsui while Langham is in Mongkok, but within walking distance from my hotel.

I was shocked when I saw the huge crowd outside Sanrio Pop up café.

Got my number and shocked that the person told me that they might not be able to serve me, as it could be near their closing hours by then.

The number on the board is 181, while the one I am holding to is 421. When I reached was 4pm, should be high tea time, but the number I got is already for dinner.


Decided to give up queuing and went to other places that I had in my list..

Snoopy Exhibition at Harbour City


20140728 Alexis turns 4

Alexis turns 4 this coming Sat.
But cause Denis and i both not in town (i am flying today to go find hubby).
I had pre-prepared a bday gift for Alexis

23 July 2014

Co Durian Party

Co had this durian party from 5pm onwards.
They set up a tentage downstairs so that the smell will not be overwhelming for the rest of the people in this office area.

19 July 2014

20140719 Eventful Day

This day, finally my cousin got married!!

This day is Garfield Run!!

This day is Honggi's Solo Fan Meet!!
Honggi's solo fan meet was so fun.. He is so funny and cheeky.
Had so much fun and laughter.
His vocal was also that great that we were totally mesmerised by him.
I nearly had a chance to go on stage to get the limited ed pouches he brought. Haiz..
Anyway, finale was the high touch with all the fans.
He must have been super tired that he came out and immediately lay flat on the table.
He took short breaks in between the high touch, but as he was going to take the night flight back to Korea that day. I guess he will want to complete the high touch asap.

When it was my turn, i kept repeating what i wanted to tell him in my heart and mind.
Hopefully i can manage to convey to him in time, before getting pushed away by the security..
p.s. The security is the one we met many times... During the LMH and CNB event...

I told him something in Jap, and he did reply me.. Made ma so happy..

18 July 2014


After 7 years I finally found the food stall that was last time at Victoria Street Coffee shop beside the hotel when i was still dancing around in Waterloo Street.
7 years ago, i managed to find it when it was a Beach Road Shaw food court before it renovated to current state.
I also left working in this area.
However, few months back, i am back working around this area..
I found it..
I was still wondering if this is the one, but when i saw the lady boss and the chef, i knew...


13 July 2014

20140713 Baby Christabel's Baptism

Baby Christabel's Baptism is held at St. Ignatius Church at 3pm today.

12 July 2014

20140412 OMG... Greennnnn

Trying something green today.
specifically Mint. I have not tried Green for very very very long time.
Totally kick this color out of my wardrobe.
But decided to try it again..

5 July 2014

Congrats Mr & Mrs Chen

Arrival of Bb Dylan..3.8kg..
Big bb indeed..
Congrats to Mr & Mrs Chen.

Ordered a cute bb hamper from Fareastflora. It includes Classic Pooh 5-pc Gift Set of bodysuit, hat, mittens, booties and bib o Brand's Essence of Chicken 6 x 41ml o Shears Wooden Giraffe Teether o Baby Carriage Photo Frame.

Good that the couple like it.