25 May 2014

25May Back to SG

Today I will need to go back SG.. A bit reluctant but still have to go back..
Went IT district to shop with hubby to get some stuffs.. It was fun but super duper HOT. .

24 May 2014

24May HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!!!!!

Hubby's same routine every morning.
Woke up and rinse down then sit down and 'focus' on his laptop.
We had buffet breakfast at the apartment's cafe which had limited spread.
Today decided to go out with his colleague who is logistics manager from SG. Despite the super duper hot weather we went 世界之窗 and 锦绣中华.

23 May 2014

23May Rain Rain Go Away

Hubby came home only around 8plus9 but was very fast settled down at his workstation and continued working all the way. Ultimately, he fell asleep at his favorite spot. I wanted to spend time with him so decided to sleep on the sofa with him.

It has been raining since early this morning. I was still deciding to go sightseeing or to go shopping. Ultimately only managed to get out of the apartment at around 12, so decided to go shopping. From the apartment, it will take around 1 hour mrt journey to东门步行街. Maybe cause it is it not the office peak hours, the mrt was not that packed as I imagined. I walked around the streets and buildings, found that the buildings’ concept somewhat similar to the ones I been to in Korea 东大门.

Firstly I zoomed on shoes, with the intention to replace the soaked flats on my feet.
Then managed to get some clothing and ended my shopping spree with yummy mango dessert at 许留山. Decided to leave the shopping district earlier to avoid the office rush hour.

Wanted to settle with simple dinner but ultimately was pulled to join his colleagues for dinner somewhere nearby. Followed by a drink and some poker playing at Paulaner at 海上世界.

By the time we reached the apartment was past 12am. We were both shacked till the extend that we just want to doze on the sofa and sleep. I managed to at least rinse down and sleep. However, hubby was the one who woke up and pulled me to room to sleep.

That was a night that I had not had since quite some time back, due to his busy and hectic schedule.
It was short cause he was so tired…. Hahaha..

22 May 2014

22May Finally get to see Hubby!!

Flew today to SZ to visit my dearest hubby..
Love him so much...
Early in the morning, my flight was delayed for 1 hour due to some technical issues. originally supposed to reach HK at 1355 now became 1530...
Now got to take ferry to SZ instead of taking 1630 ferry, the staff told me that I got to take the 1730 ferry due to they need to transfer my luggage to the ferry, so they need the time.. And I got no choice.. Besides I cannot access to other levels besides this level which is the arrival level. There are basically nothing to see.. So I sat somewhere and wait.
By the time I reached SZ it was like 1800. Decided not to go anywhere. Only took a walk around the area for Convenience stores and super mart.. 

18 May 2014

17May SIL Family Celebration

Christabel is already 1month old. Time really flies.
Prepared a diaper cake for her and also handmade card from me...
Today is also SIL house warming.
Bought a super duper sweet dustbin for them to match the pink fridge they had.
Hope they like the pressies bought..

17 May 2014

16May Ah Ma 88th Birthday

Celebrating ah ma at Tekka
Prepared a red packet for Ah Ma.
Can see that ah ma was very happy that day..

4 May 2014

Checklist for gifts..

11th May - Mother's Day
*** Ordered flowers for both mothers
16th May - Ah ma Birthday
17th May - Christabel Bb shower & House Warming
*** Bot the dustbin as house warming gift
*** Christabel give red packet? Or I get a gift for her?
1st June - Ma Birthday 
7th June - Joshua Birthday
14th June - Yew Lee & Elsie ROM
15th June - Father's Day

Day 7

Last week morning I was still sending you to airport..
So fast it has been 1 week already.

It is so super duper HOT today..
Practically stayed at home and had my TV and pc to accompany me the whole day.

Since today is a working day in China. I presume I will see many emails from China office tmr...
OMG! !!

3 May 2014

Day 6

Day 6 after hubby flew overseas..

Went ABTM Musical with Ma and sis..
Treated Ma to the show cause she requested to watch...
The musical is not bad for a local production but there is many room for improvement.  To my surprise, Weiliang as Lobang king and Benjamin as Ken can sing very well... esp Benjamin. Liked his vocal..
Chua Enlai is super funny in the musical as well.

1 May 2014

Day 4 Labour Day Holiday

Yippee.. Finally a day break..
Took a walk at vivocity. It was super duper crowded..
Managed to get a haircut...

Hopefully the next holiday can come fast..